Thanksgiving Break at China Camp
​November 25 - 27
AGES 3-5
Place Based Education -
China Camp State Park is nestled along the shore of the San Pablo Bay. It occupies an area that was inhabited for thousands of years by the Coast Miwok people. It’s estimated that several thousand Coast Miwok lived in the region when Spaniards arrived in 1775. A Chinese shrimp-fishing village thrived on this site in the 1880s. Nearly 500 people, originally from Canton, China, lived in the village. In its heyday, there were three general stores, a marine supply store and a barber shop. In 1977 the site became a state park.
The park includes an extensive intertidal salt marsh, meadow, and oak habitats. There is a variety of wildlife, including deer, squirrels, coyote, fox, bats, and numerous birds. The California clapper rail and the salt marsh harvest mouse are endangered species that live in the marsh areas of the park.
Our days at China Camp are filled with exploration and we alternate locations within the park as we learn about its various habitats. One day we may meet at the rocky beach by the fishing village, another we may meet at the grassy knoll by the climbing trees and sandy beach and another day we may meet at the campground.
"Snails & Turkey Tails camp was a big hit with our family! I was happy both of my children could attend together. Visiting different sites at the park was a nice element and my kids really had fun at the campground. They learned about local wildlife and we've been expanding on that learning at home."
- Summer Camp Parent